CREATIVITY SECRET: How to generate a good idea
Friends, the society in which we are born has its own terms and conditions, what we should and should not do, what is good and what is bad. In it a list of right or wrong is made and you are given training from childhood according to the same rules and regulations that how we should live life. And people will judge you on the basis of the same rules and ideology, if you follow the ideology of the society, then you are a good person in the eyes of the world, if you do not support their ideology then you are a bad person. Friends, this process is called psychological social conditioning.
Social conditioning is a process where we are forced to adopt the
illogical beliefs and ideology that society, parents and people around us have
prepared for us. Gradually we start considering the same social ideology and
belief system as our whole world. And get stuck in it as if our brain is locked
in some box.
When we break our social conditioning and live life with a new
perspective, that is called out of box thinking.
And in this article, we are going to discuss how to break free from your
social conditioning and develop a new perspective for yourself.
Hii guys, this is Abhishek and welcome to study edit.
Friends, I will tell you 4 ways to be free from your social conditioning and out of these the last 2 points are very important, so it is important to take a look to the article completely.
1. Change your context to change your life.
The first step to change your life is to change your context. First of all,
we have to change our way of thinking.
Friends, like rainwater rains equally on all trees and plants, but still some red flowers come out and some yellow leaves. This is because the biological conditioning of each plant is different, each has a different context. Some survive in the barren desert, some in a pond or a lake. If someone's water requirement is more, then someone's less. Friends, in the same way every human being has a biological conditioning as well as a social conditioning. Biological conditioning is part of nature, and it is perfect. The problem comes from social conditioning, which we humans have developed ourselves. We all have different belief system, philosophy, ethics, values and attitude. And all these things together create the context of any person. The context of a poor people is that I can never become rich, rich people are bad, money doesn't matter in life, government should do this, should do that etc. They do not even know that they are poor because their context is wrong. His philosophy is wrong. And due to poor conditioning, they will never be able to become rich. People try to change themselves without changing their context. Which is not possible. And this is probably the reason why many lottery ticket winners go back to poor after some time. Because his context was poor. His conditioning was poor.
So, changing your context is the first step of transformation.
1. Alternative thinking
The thinking of most of us is black and white. Our brain always thinks
in either or. We often set up a narrative of right, wrong or good and bad about
something or a person. Whereas this does not happen in real life. There can be
many answers to the same question in real life. For example, If I ask you how
much is 1+1. To some of you people will say 2 but friends can be 1 and 1, 11
According to alternative thinking, any problem can have multiple solutions. For example, some of us say that educational degrees and diploma are useless things, it is of no use. And some people start giving it too much importance. which is not correct. The truth is that it is either useful or not. Depending upon the situation and context. So, friends, according to alternatives thinking, we can have many solutions to one problem. Therefore, remove from your mind the concept of right wrong, either or, good or bad. Only then can you find a unique solution to any problem.
Now comes the 3rd point which is very important
3. Genealogy of ideas.
"Pablo Picasso" was an extraordinary painter, he said one thing during his interview that "good artist copy but great artist steal". A beautiful thought that has been spoken since ancient times
"There is nothing new under the son". Meaning that there is nothing new in the world. When we think that an artist has done a very original work, it is often stolen from somewhere. No idea is completely original. But there's nothing bad about it. Now you must be thinking that if all the ideas are already in this world, then what can be my contribution in this.
A French writer "Andre Gide" says that "whatever should be spoken has already been spoken, but no one was listening to it, so you have to speak it again". Many artists carry this burden on themselves that they should do very original work. Only then will they get recognition. The concept of genetics is very simple, and you must have read in your biology that the genes of your mother and father combine to become your genes. In many ways you are different from your parents and in many ways, you are also unique from them.
In the same way, what kind of people do you have, what kind of music do you listen to, what kind of books do you read, what kind of movies do you watch. Who do you consider your inspiration? Together they give you your ideas.
Copy, Copy and copy.
The creative process of doing something new is not so straight forward that suddenly you got an idea and wrote your bestselling book or wrote a superhit song. The creative process starts by copying. You should not wait that when you become perfect in some work, then you will start. Now you have to keep in mind that you have to copy, not plagiarize. Plagiarism means that you are taking credit for someone else's work as your own. Copying means that you are practicing. Now you have to see who you will copy and what will you copy. It is very simple to whom to copy. You will copy your heroes. But you should not copy only one person. You should copy different heroes together. If you copy one thing, then it is plagiarism but if you copy different things together then it will be considered as plagiarism not research.
The second thing that you have to understand is what you should copy. Apart from the style of your heroes, you should copy their thinking. Our goal is to understand their thinking so that we can put our unique twist in it. And be able to take your work further. This is the secret of originality and uniqueness. This is out of the box thinking.
Guys, I hope it help amazing topics. You share your opinion in the
comment section. Thank you very much.
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